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Publisher |
DC |
Artist |
Mike McKone |
Writer |
J. M. DeMatteis |
Cover Artist |
Mike McKone |
Inker |
Marlo Alquiza |
Cover Artist |
Marlo Alquiza |
Colorist |
Wildstorm FX |
Colorist |
Glenn Whitmore |
Letterer |
Bill Oakley |
Cover Artist |
Yanick Paquette |
Cover Artist |
Jose Marzan Jr. |
Cover Artist |
Ian Hannin |
Cover Artist |
Comicraft |
Published | June 2000 |
WRITTEN BY J.M. DEMATTEIS; ART AND COVER BY MIKE MCKONE AND MARLO ALQUIZA. Lois has vanished! But before Superman can even begin to search for her, the new, improved Prankster strikes! This is no laughing matter, especially with Superman's health beginning to fail! Plus, another new foe ? the Adversary ? arrives on the scene, hoping to make a name for himself by defeating the Man of Steel. 2000 Diamond #23